Peter Petri, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings Institution

Peter A. Petri

Nonresident Senior Fellow – Foreign Policy, John L. Thornton China Center

Peter A. Petri is the Carl J. Shapiro Professor of International Finance at the Brandeis International Business School and a nonresident senior fellow in the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution. He served as the School’s founding dean from 1994 to 2006 and as its interim dean from 2016 to 2018. His research focuses on international trade, investment and technological competition, primarily in the Asia-Pacific region. He is active in U.S. organizations engaged in Asia-Pacific relations and has held visiting appointments in universities and research institutions across the region.

Asia-Pacific Center for Business and Economics, Brandeis University, co-director
Fudan University, School of Economics, International Advisory Board, member
Peterson Institute for International Economics, visiting fellow
United States Asia Pacific Council, member

  • Current Positions

    • Carl J. Shapiro Professor of International Finance, Brandeis University
    • Co-Director, Asia-Pacific Center for Economics and Business, Brandeis University
    • Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics
    • Member, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (U.S. Committee)
  • Past Positions

    • Dean, Brandeis International Business School (1994-2006, 2016-2018)
    • Visiting Scholar at Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank Institute, OECD, World Bank
    • Visiting Professor at Keio University, Fudan University, Peking University
    • Chair, U.S. APEC Studies Centers
    • Member, PAFTAD International Steering Committee
  • Education

    • A.B., Economics, Harvard College, 1968
    • Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University, 1976
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