
Niam Yaraghi

Nonresident Senior Fellow – Governance Studies, Center for Technology Innovation

Niam Yaraghi is a tenured associate professor of Business Technology at Miami Herbert Business School at the University of Miami where he also holds a secondary appointment as an associate professor of Health Management & Policy. He is also a nonresident senior fellow in the Brookings Institution’s Center for Technology Innovation.

His research is focused on the intersection of information systems, healthcare, and policy. In particular, Niam studies the business models and policy structures that incentivize transparency, interoperability and sharing of health information among patients, providers, payers and regulators, and the social and economic impact of such aforementioned exchanges.

Niam’s research has appeared in leading business journals including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and Production and Operations Management, as well as top-tier health policy and informatics journals including Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, and Milbank Quarterly.

He regularly consults with various companies and platforms in the healthcare industry and is a sought-after expert and speaker on issues related to health information technology in media and at industry conferences.

He has a B.Sc in Industrial Engineering from the Isfahan University of Technology in Iran, and a M.Sc from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. He received his Ph.D. in Management Science & Systems from the State University of New York at Buffalo.

  • Current Positions

    • Nonresident Senior Fellow, Center for Technology Innovation; The Brookings Institution
    • Assistant Professor of Business Technology, Miami Herbert Business School; The University of Miami
  • Past Positions

    • Fellow, Center for Technology and Innovation
  • Education

    • State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA,  Ph.D. in Management Science & Systems
    • Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, M.S. in Project Management & Operational Development
    • Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, B.S. in Industrial Engineering
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